As a 20+ year veteran of the user experience industry, Christopher designs products and services for a variety of domains, including health, financial, and consumer. He teaches, speaks about, and evangelizes design internationally.
His spidey-sense goes off semi-randomly, leading him to investigate and speak about a range of things from interactive narrative to ethnographic user research, interaction design to generative randomness, and designing for the future.
He is currently working on a new book about the user experience of narrow AI for Rosenfeld Media.
Author of:
The Essentials of Interaction Design with Alan Cooper, Robert Reimann and David Cronin Wiley
14:00 - 17:30
Auditorium IIWorkshop
Designing for Agentive Technology
There's a new kind of technology emerging, one that does work on behalf of its users. It turns what was once task-doers into task-managers, focusing on results with an absolute minimum amount of effort on the part of users, but it means designers will have to think in new ways and design for new scenarios. In this four hour workshop, you'll learn about and design for this agentive technology.
You’ll learn how to:
- What agentive technology is, its components
- How it sits in the categories of artificial intelligence
- The common use cases for agentive tech
- Working in persona-focused scenarios
- Working in pairs
Who is this workshop for?
Attendees should have a working knowledge of user-centered or goal-directed design processes, since this will build on that.
9:45 - 10:20
Auditorium ITalk
Semantic Noodling and Meaning Machines
Christopher Noessel joins us to ask the question, "How do you think new things?" Seemingly simple, the answer takes us through domains as disparate as divination and entertainment, but lands us squarely in the creative process. From techniques like poetics to force-fit grids to Oulipan writing to Design as Semiosis, all share a common deep structure that he's named "Semantic Noodling" and the systems that use it "Meaning Machines."